
It is the policy of this Department that all complaints against employees or the Department received from any source, whether inside or outside the Department including anonymous complaints, will be documented and investigated.  It is the intent of the Department to:

1.       Protect the employee, the community, and the Department;

2.       Identify and correct inappropriate behavior;

3.       Identify and remedy procedural problems; and

4.       Enhance the profession of law enforcement.

Complaint Procedures

Any person may file a complaint against any employee of the Texas A&M University Police Department.

Complaints can be initiated by contacting this Department.

To make a complaint:

Email:  upd@​tamu.edu​

Mail:    University Police Department
            1231 TAMU
            College Station, TX 77845

Call:     979.845.2345  ​

1.       Citizens who walk in to the Department or call will be referred to a supervisor. 

2.       The supervisor will listen to the complaint and gather details of the allegation.

3.       Complaints are then referred to the Internal Affairs Coordinator.

4.       Complaints that are received through the mail or e-mail are referred to the Internal Affairs Coordinator.

5.       Complainants will be notified in writing that their complaint has been received.

6.       Complaints are assigned to an investigator.

7.       The results of the investigation are reviewed and disciplinary action is taken if appropriate.

8.       Complainants are notified of the general findings and conclusions of the investigation.

For more information:

Lt. Rodger T Paxton, II


E-mail: rpaxton​@tamu.edu