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University Police Department

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Records Personnel

The Records Division is responsible for document retention, storage, security, destruction and retrieval of both electronic and physical copies of police records.  The division is also responsible for non-emergency phone calls and the staffing of the reception area of the main lobby.  Other services include requests for open records materials, processing and approval of reports, and monthly statistical reporting.​​​​


 Brazos County District Attorney
 Brazos County Attorney's Office
 City of Bryan Police Department
 City of College Station Police Department
 Brazos County Sheriff's Office
 Blinn Bryan Campus
 Texas Department of Public Safety
 Prairie View A&M University Police Department
 Texas A&M University Kingsville Police Department
 Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Police Department
 Texas A&M University Commerce Police Department
 Texas A&M University Galveston Police Department
 TAMU Lost and Found
 TAMU Student Conduct Office
 TAMU Student Affairs
 TAMU Risk Management
 TAMU Transportation
 TAMU Open Records
 George Bush Presidential Library Museum
 C.O.P.S. (Community-Oriented Police Services)
Fernando Portillo
Records Supervisor
979-845-2347 x1
Jennifer Bustanante
Records Technician I
Berklie Haag
Records Technician I
Lyndsey Pierce
Records Technician I