
 Support Services

Assisstant Chief Costello



My name is Kary Shaffer and I am the Assistant Chief of Support Services for the Texas A&M University Police Department. Our Support Services Division is comprised of multiple sections and units that provide technical, logistical, and tactical support to the Officers of the Texas A&M University Police Department. These areas include: Police Communications (UPD Dispatch); Police Records; Evidence and Property; Personnel, Recruiting, Training, and Internal Affairs; Special Operations; Community Services; Clery/Title IX Compliance; and Technology Services.

At the Texas A&M University Police Department, our vision is that we are committed to the safety, security and fair and impartial treatment of all. The Field Operations Division is committed to demonstrating these qualities through our professionalism and our commitment to excellence through our integrity, respect, ethics and dedication. Here in Aggieland, we expect our employees to trust in and exhibit the core values of the University to all faculty, staff, students and visitors.

Thanks, and Gig ‘Em!

Kary Shaffer, Aggie Class of ’95
Assistant Chief of Field Operations

​​​The Support Services Division, commanded by Assistant Chief Ed Costello, is divided into six divisions: Clery and Accreditation, Communications, Property and Evidence, Records, Technology Services, and Training and Recruiting.

We are dedicated to the mission of the department. We take pride in providing courteous and quality support services to the members of our department, our university community, the public, and other law enforcement and criminal justice agencies.​


The Accreditation Division oversees all aspects of the department's Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) accreditation process.


The Clery Division oversees all aspects of the department's Clery Report requirements.


The Communications Division is the vital link between police and security officers, citizens, emergency medical services, fire department, public safety responders, and state/national law enforcement agencies. Often, they are the first line of communications between the community and the police. Trained and qualified dispatchers provide information to police officers and the community that is essential to campus safety.

Community Services

The Community Services Unit promotes awareness through education and the development of public partnerships. The Unit is responsible for providing crime prevention programs and services to the Texas A&M University Community.

Property and Evidence

The Property and Evidence Division has an Evidence Technician that facilitates the secured storage, control, chain-of-custody, and disposition of all items of evidence and property lawfully seized and taken into custody by this department. Reasonable efforts are made to return recovered property to its rightful owner or properly dispose of the item when no longer needed by the department. ​


The Records Division processes, maintains, and stores numerous types of reports on a daily basis. The division generates and submits statistical information for the FBI Uniform Crime Report as well as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). ​

Special Operations

The Texas A&M University Police Department Special Operations Divisions coordinates police and security services for special events such as concerts, dignitary visits, commencement, holiday celebrations, student and department social events, athletics and weddings.

Training and Recruiting

The Training and Recruiting Division is responsible for the training and certifications of all employees within the University Police Department. This office is responsible for maintaining compliance with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) requirements. This job also oversees all of the personnel hiring and recruiting issues of the department. This includes background checks and keeping position descriptions up to date. ​

Technology Services

The Technology Services Division has three individuals with the responsibility for managing the maintenance of departmental owned hadrware, software, and other electronic information storage/retrieval and related equipment. ​​​​​​​​



